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The Reflections Art Competition is a National PTA program that starts at the school level. Each year students are invited to create original works of art around a theme. Pieces are evaluated by local artists and art educators. Top scoring works advance to the district level with the opportunity to advance to the state and even national level of the competition. And yes, we have had Carnation Elementary students compete at the national level!
Calling all creators and builders!
Enter PTSA’s monthly connect challenges!
Its a year to connect and build not only each other up but also to build a strong foundation, tackle obstacles and create. For the remainder of the year, PTSA will present a monthly Connect Challenge for all students to show us their innovation skills and masterpieces. There are no strict rules other than what ever built or created must fi with the monthly theme. You can use Legos, popcicle sticks, blocks, Lincold Logs, paper and colored pencils or anything found around the house. Let’s see what you can do – this is your challenge to make and amaze others.
OCTOBER’S THEME: Create a pumpkin or other representation of Fall.
Enter the Connect Challenge on the Facebook post or email your entry to Entries must be received by the 15th of each month. Please include student name and teacher. Winners will be drawn randomly every month for prizes. Let’s get building and connecting!
This will be a virtual, district wide event hosted by the Riverview PTSA Council Advocacy. It is scheduled for Monday, October 11th from 7:00-8:15, via Zoom.
Legislative Assembly – Lend your voice! The 43rd Annual Legislative Assembly will take place in a virtual format on October 23 and 24, 2021. The purpose of the legislative assembly is to determine the legislative priorities of WSPTA, to educate and mobilize advocates, and to advance WSPTA’s legislative program. At the legislative assembly, you will discover the power PTA has to advocate for every child – the whole child – regardless of race, creed, gender, or zip code. In PTA, every member has an equal voice, and your input matters a great deal to the success of our member-driven platform. CEPTSA members, with a paid membership, can attend this year’s virtual legislative assembly.…/legislative-assembly/
Washington State PTA Advocacy Information:
The Riverview School District and Carnation Elementary Guidelines on volunteering have been announced. We now have a clear plan of action for those of you who have been patiently waiting.
All volunteers for the school and/or PTSA need to complete the Riverview School District Volunteer Application. Click here to complete this online application. All school volunteers must renew their background checks every two years. It is a good idea to login and verify your information is current.
Let us come together this year and build a strong foundation for the students at Carnation Elementary! Each of these core building blocks help us to continually move forward, over, and around obstacles we have been facing these past few years.
CEPTSA is a volunteer supported organization, and we welcome involvement of our school staff, family members, and community partners at any level of commitment.
We are hopeful to be as involved as possible in this exciting new school year and as volunteer opportunities arise we will be sure to let everyone interested know. Please be sure to update your memberships and if you’d like to be contacted directly with opportunities to connect and serve, contact Shannon directly or through PTSA email. Please stay tuned for more information on the protocols in place for becoming a volunteer. To start, click the school district link below and complete their application.
Visit our volunteer page for positions available now! Click Here
Shannon Draughon or text 425-945-6862
Riverview School District Volunteer Application
All school volunteers must renew their background checks every two years. Use this link to access the Volunteer Application from the Riverview School District: RSD Volunteer Info Page
¡Unámonos este año y construyamos una base sólida para los estudiantes de la Primaria Carnation! Cada uno de estos componentes básicos nos ayuda a avanzar continuamente, superar y sortear los obstáculos que hemos estado enfrentando en los últimos años.
CEPTSA es una organización apoyada por voluntarios y agradecemos la participación de nuestro personal escolar, miembros de la familia y socios de la comunidad en cualquier nivel de compromiso.
Tenemos la esperanza de participar lo más posible en este nuevo y emocionante año escolar y, a medida que surjan oportunidades de voluntariado, nos aseguraremos de informar a todos los interesados. Asegúrese de actualizar sus membresías y si desea que lo contacten directamente con oportunidades para conectarse y servir, comuníquese con Shannon directamente o por medio del correo electrónico de la PTSA. Estén atentos para obtener más información sobre los protocolos vigentes para convertirse en voluntario. Para comenzar, haga clic en el enlace del distrito escolar a continuación y complete su solicitud.
¡Visite nuestra página de voluntarios para conocer los puestos disponibles ahora! Haga clic aquí
Shannon Draughon o envíe un mensaje de texto al 425-945-6862
Solicitud de voluntario del distrito escolar de Riverview
Todos los voluntarios de la escuela deben renovar su verificación de antecedentes cada dos años. Utilice este enlace para acceder a la Solicitud de voluntariado del Distrito escolar de Riverview: Página de información de voluntarios de RSD
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Upcoming Events:
Mailing Address: 4950 Tolt Ave. - Carnation, WA 98014

Carnation Elementary
The mission of Carnation Elementary PTSA is to positively impact the lives of all students by partnering with staff, families, and community to foster a culture that values learning, builds community and advocates for all students to excel personally, academically and socially.

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