Talent Show

Thank you again for participating in the 2025 Talent Show! We are excited to show off so many Tiger Talents!
Talent show will be held Friday, 3/28 at 10am and 6pm.


Auditions serve as a time for each act to show their talent. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just gives us a quick preview of what will be performed. Auditions are mandatory - your student will not be able to participate if they do not attend one of the two audition days. If this is not possible with your schedule, please let me know soon. Please bring music (edited if possible) and/or any props you might need. Each act needs a time slot. Please sign up for one date only. 
Auditions are:
Monday, 3/3 (3:50-5pm) or
Friday, 3/7 (2:20-4pm). 
If your student has signed up to be an Emcee, no audition is necessary. However, attendance will be required for the workshops and dress rehearsal.


Workshops/Rehearsals will be held Tuesday, 3/18 or 3/19, Wednesday, 3:50-5pm (a time to practice the acts with edited music, costumes, props, etc). We do this to provide more opportunity to be on stage and ensure success. Sign ups for this coming soon.
For auditions and workshops, there will be no adult supervision beyond the stage, please do not leave your children at the school for longer than they are able to stay quiet and respectful of their fellow performers. You are welcome to have them stay after if their scheduled time is close to the end of school and the time they will need to wait is within their bandwidth for quiet, patient waiting. Please pick up your student in a timely manner.
Dress rehearsal is mandatory and will be held Tuesday, 3/25, 3:50-5pm. 
This will be a complete run through of the entire show with emcees, music, costumes and props...just like the real show. 
Also, if you are using music, please email your edited version as soon as possible. Remember all acts must not exceed 1 minute 30 seconds. 
Talent show will be held Friday, 3/28 at 10am and 6pm. Please plan to attend both shows.
Event Calendar
Open Letter


Mailing Address: 4950 Tolt Ave. - Carnation, WA 98014

Email: ceptsa@outlook.com

Carnation Elementary 

Phone: 425-844-4550

The mission of Carnation Elementary PTSA is to positively impact the lives of all students by partnering with staff, families, and community to foster a culture that values learning, builds community and advocates for all students to excel personally, academically and socially.

2023-2024 Platinum
100% Staff Membership