Reading Spirit Week

March 3, 2025 - March 7, 2025

Celebrate Reading Spirit Week by watching the read loud stories below. 
Also, there may be some familiar voices that you recognize. 
Hope you enjoy!
This is a Julia Donaldson book (also on the Rad Readers Cubs list 👍). It is well suited for k-2 with a message highlighting that even the smallest creature can achieve great things and make a significant impact (7 minutes).
2)The Skull- 
This is a book from both Rad Readers lists as well as an OTTER nominee! Students from all grades can vote on OTTER books in the spring, so long as they’ve read 2 from the list (18 minutes).
3) SMEDS AND THE SMOOS- This is another lovely story written by Julia Donaldson. The story works for all ages because it is a simple but effective way of highlighting the importance of tolerance and acceptance of differences (8 minutes).
4) FOX IN SOCK RAP - This video shows our kids that you’re never too old to enjoy Dr. Seuss. It also highlights how to get creative and present something that is very well known in a new and unique way. If your class has seen this one, Wes also raps other Dr. Seuss books! 6 min.
5) YAKETY YAK -Explore action words that sound like animal names along with dictionary definitions that help explain them. All ages (4 minutes).
6) ZOMBIES DON’T EAT VEGGIES! - This is a picture book that combines cartoony gore and a heartwarming family dynamic while weaving in themes of identity, belonging and cultural values. It is narrated by Jaime Camil and includes many words in Spanish. Don’t miss the talk that the narrator gives after the reading ❤️ (8 minutes).
7) AFRAID OF THE LIGHT- Another book for all ages about conquering fears and trying new things. Narrated by a CEPTSA mom (6 minutes).
8) DUCK! RABBIT! -This is a book for all ages that explores perspective and how 2 people can see the same thing very differently. Narrated by a CEPTSA mom and dad (3 minutes).
9)  Because-A read aloud all the way from Missouri by Mrs. Grant!
10) Yertle the Turtle-A read aloud by Mr.Heimfeld.
11) Fluffy McWhiskers - Another read aloud by Mr. Heimfeld!
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Mailing Address: 4950 Tolt Ave. - Carnation, WA 98014


Carnation Elementary 

Phone: 425-844-4550

The mission of Carnation Elementary PTSA is to positively impact the lives of all students by partnering with staff, families, and community to foster a culture that values learning, builds community and advocates for all students to excel personally, academically and socially.

2023-2024 Platinum
100% Staff Membership