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Sweet treats for our awesome staff!

February 15, 2023

Just a little treat for all of our staff at Carnation Elementary! Thank you for loving our kids! We hope you enjoyed these sweet treats today! 🍩🍪🍩🍪

Pottery From Cupid’s Clay Cafe

February 13, 2023
Hundreds of pieces of pottery from Cupid’s Clay Cafe were returned to students today! Some of the pieces were not labeled with the correct pencil, so we have a batch of pottery that still needs to be identified and paired with its painter!
If your family is missing a piece of pottery, please ask one of your students to visit the MPR stage during their lunch on Tuesday, 2/14 to locate it.
We’ll send it home with them that day.
*It would help if you have a photo of your child on the pottery night to pair the right pieces!*

CE Talent Show

February 13, 2023

Woo hoo!!

Order Your Yearbook Today!

February 7, 2023

Just click on the orange tab above labeled ‘Yearbook Orders’!

Did you know yearbooks at CE are put together by PTSA? If you saw the paper order form and would like to know how to save $5, you can also easily become a PTSA member at the same time as ordering your yearbook! Member prices are $20, non-member is $25. There is also an option to donate a yearbook for a child who’s family may find the cost a barrier this year. Please consider if that’s an option for you!

Kindergarten Registration Opens Monday!

February 7, 2023

Tell your friends, tell your neighbors! Sign-up your soon-to-be kindergartener!

Kindergarten Registration opens tomorrow, Monday, February 6, 2023!

For information on kindergarten registration, visit: or grab a packet from the office.

Look for more information tomorrow. We can’t wait to meet the future Class of 2036!

Fun at Cupid’s Clay Cafe!

February 7, 2023
Art Docent Holly Jensen, knocked it out of the park with the free pottery paint night last week! With over 180 pieces, she is busy working on firing all of the art this week to be sure they’re ready for delivery next Monday.
We are beyond grateful for her commitment to our community, thank you Holly!
Please feel free to post any photos you may have taken! PTSA loves to look back on events from time to time.
Thank you again to everyone who participated!

Sweets For Your Sweets!

February 1, 2023

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!

Remember to order sweets for your sweets and submit Krispy Kreme order forms by this Thursday, February 9th!  Please make checks payable to: CEPTSA. Donuts will be ready for pickup at the school on Monday, February 13th, right in time for Valentine’s Day!

The CEPTSA will also be donating boxes to the senior center, local firefighters and school staff.   If you’d like to donate a box, please mark “DONATION” on your donated selections and include payment.

**Links to print a 2nd order form if needed!  English: KrispyKreme2023 Spanish: KrispyKreme2023Sp

Cupid’s Clay Cafe Event on Thursday 2/3

February 1, 2023
CEPTSA is thrilled that the Cupid’s Clay Cafè event has been received with such enthusiasm! We are anticipating very high attendance on Thursday evening. In an attempt to avoid lines, waiting, and overcrowding, we would like to encourage families to vary arrival times.
For instance:
If you have very young children, especially in Pre, K, and 1st grades, please try to attend early in the evening. Doors will open at 5:00pm.
If you have older children, especially in 3rd-5th grades, please try to attend later in the evening, after 6pm.
*Please come whenever works for your family, this is just a suggestion!*
We will continue to check out pottery pieces until 7:10pm and kids can paint until 8:00pm when pieces need to be checked back in.

Go Tolt BEARS!

January 31, 2023

How exciting to see our middle school’s new mascot on display! I know many of you have or will have a kiddo here soon! Go Bears!

Read more here:

Volunteer spots open for Cupid’s Clay Cafe!

January 28, 2023
There are plenty of slots open for volunteers for Cupid’s Clay Cafe next Thursday!
*Please note you must be a district approved volunteer, the list will be cross referenced*
Event Calendar
Open Letter


Mailing Address: 4950 Tolt Ave. - Carnation, WA 98014


Carnation Elementary 

Phone: 425-844-4550

The mission of Carnation Elementary PTSA is to positively impact the lives of all students by partnering with staff, families, and community to foster a culture that values learning, builds community and advocates for all students to excel personally, academically and socially.

2023-2024 Platinum
100% Staff Membership