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Staff Appreciation Week May 1st – 5th

April 27, 2023

We would love your help providing meals and treats for the staff next week. Please consider donating items in the link below, or if shopping isn’t your jam, we also welcome $$ donations.

Sign up:


Montary Donations:


Spring Break Reading Challenge!

April 20, 2023

Don’t forget the spring break reading challenge ends this week! Please turn in your filled in flower by tomorrow, April 21st!!

English: SpringBreakChallengeFINAL

Spanish: SPANISHSpringBreakChallenge

Spring Break Reading Challenge!

April 13, 2023

Hey Tigers! We hope you’re having an excellent spring break! Don’t forget about our reading challenge that was sent home last week!

Let’s meet our goal of 100,000 minutes!

The flower is posted below in case you need to print a new one!

Print in English: SpringBreakChallengeFINAL

Print in Spanish: SPANISHSpringBreakChallenge


We Walked the Walk!

April 12, 2023
Tigers! We are ecstatic to announce our fundraising total for Tiger Walk. Drumroll please…we collectively raised $20,000! Way over our goal!
That’s INCREDIBLE! And a testament to how much energy and love our community has for our school.
We will do great things with the funds – all for our kids and teachers.
THANK YOU to everyone who donated. We are grateful and so excited for all the good to come.
We also want to thank Kyla Page, who planned and implemented this amazing event! Not only did all of our kids have fun but we are thrilled to have been able to offer a low sensory aspect for our ISET kiddos! She has been our fundraising extraordinaire this year and did the most amazing job with Tiger Walk! It would not have happened without her! Thank you, thank you, Kyla!

One More Day until TIGER WALK!

April 6, 2023

Tigers! We are SO CLOSE! Get your donations in by the end of the day on Friday 4/7! We are so excited about our amazing school and classroom prizes – an all-school recess with treats, pizza and popcorn parties, oh my!

And remember that top donors get a special S’mores and Stories with our librarian, Mr. Heimfeld!

Backpacks and prizes come home tomorrow! If your student is absent they’ll receive them upon their return. Remember to send your kiddos to school in NEON, SPIRIT WEAR, OR WHITE so they glow tomorrow!!

Thank you for your support of the PTSA – it all goes straight back to benefit your students!!

Halfway To Our Goal!

April 5, 2023

We hope your kiddos liked the glow-in-the-dark toe tokens and Tiger Walk bookmarks that came home yesterday! The donations just keep rolling in! We are HALF-WAY to our goal!! Let’s keep the momentum going!

We wanted to share an anecdote from a parent whose child just participated in the Talent Show, organized and funded by the PTSA:

“I was a little surprised that my daughter decided to participate in the talent show with a dance because she hasn’t even seen a talent show before. She practiced with her friends and got so excited to perform. As the day got closer, she started to get nervous and I didn’t know if she’d do it or not. But super friendly volunteer moms were right there to encourage her and when the show started and I watched her perform I actually cried. It was so magical to see my daughter being brave and express herself. It will be one of my most cherished memories of elementary school. Thank you for giving her (and my family) this experience!” – Second-grade mom

This is just one event the PTSA puts efforts (and funds) into and we are thrilled to be able to do so! We are all about creating meaningful experiences for our Tiger families and community.

So thank you for your donations – keep them coming! Let’s get to that $13k by Friday!

Junior Chef Competition

March 31, 2023
The Riverview School District Food Services Department is looking to find the best elementary school and secondary school junior chefs in our valley! Riverview School District is participating in the 2023 Junior Chef Competition, in partnership with The Lunch Box.
Student chefs, competing in teams, will plan a kid-friendly menu item, which follows USDA meal guidelines and meets the district’s per-meal food cost criteria. The winning recipe will be featured on the 2023-2024 Riverview School District menu and the school with the winning team will be awarded kitchen tools and aprons as prizes.

Calling All Tiger Volunteers!

March 30, 2023
Tiger volunteers! We can use your help! We need at least 10 volunteers to help manage kids during Tiger Walk (think an entire excited grade in a black-lit gym walking, jumping, skipping, being silly and having fun). If you are District-approved and have some time on Friday, please consider either (or both) of these two shifts:
9:00 – 11:30 (includes set-up)
11:30 – 2:30 (includes break-down)
And here’s our schedule for the day in case you’d like to see your kiddo(s):
ISET: 9:45 – 10:15 in MPR
9:45 – 10:15 – 5th Grade
10:20 – 10:50: 1st Grade
10:55 – 11:25: 4th Grade/4th 5th PAT
11:35 – 12:05 – Kindergarten
12:10 – 12:40 – Break
12:55-1:25 – 2nd Grade/2nd 3rd PAT
1:35 – 2:05 – 3rd Grade
Email Kyla at if you can volunteer!

Talent Show Is Almost Here!

March 30, 2023

Help CEPTSA celebrate the incredible depth of talent at Carnation Elementary! Our 2023 Talent Showcase is Friday March 31st! Doors open at 6pm, come sample student made baked goods while you peruse their art and video submissions. Sit back and enjoy our wonderful performances starting at 7pm – come early, stay late and prepare to be wowed!

‘Hidden In Plain Sight’ Coming in April

March 28, 2023
Register today for our upcoming Hidden in Plain Sight events, presented by Empower Youth Network. Each HIPS event will be accompanied by a Community Resource Fair.
The Hidden in Plain Sight experience helps parents/guardians spot signs of at-risk behaviors, using an interactive display of a teenager’s bedroom. After walking through the display, participants will learn more about adolescent development, risk and protective factors, and common signs of substance use provided by community prevention professionals. This exhibit is designed to educate and empower parents/guardians to communicate with their children about at-risk behaviors, expectations and more.
A strong parent/guardian-teen relationship and clear consistent communication is one of the most effective protective factors to prevent youth substance use.
Visit our events page for registration links or use the QR codes.
Event Calendar
Open Letter


Mailing Address: 4950 Tolt Ave. - Carnation, WA 98014


Carnation Elementary 

Phone: 425-844-4550

The mission of Carnation Elementary PTSA is to positively impact the lives of all students by partnering with staff, families, and community to foster a culture that values learning, builds community and advocates for all students to excel personally, academically and socially.

2023-2024 Platinum
100% Staff Membership