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We would love your help providing meals and treats for the staff next week. Please consider donating items in the link below, or if shopping isn’t your jam, we also welcome $$ donations.
Sign up:
Montary Donations:

Don’t forget the spring break reading challenge ends this week! Please turn in your filled in flower by tomorrow, April 21st!!
English: SpringBreakChallengeFINAL
Spanish: SPANISHSpringBreakChallenge
Hey Tigers! We hope you’re having an excellent spring break! Don’t forget about our reading challenge that was sent home last week!
Let’s meet our goal of 100,000 minutes!
The flower is posted below in case you need to print a new one!
Print in English: SpringBreakChallengeFINAL
Print in Spanish: SPANISHSpringBreakChallenge
Tigers! We are SO CLOSE! Get your donations in by the end of the day on Friday 4/7! We are so excited about our amazing school and classroom prizes – an all-school recess with treats, pizza and popcorn parties, oh my!
And remember that top donors get a special S’mores and Stories with our librarian, Mr. Heimfeld!
Thank you for your support of the PTSA – it all goes straight back to benefit your students!!

We hope your kiddos liked the glow-in-the-dark toe tokens and Tiger Walk bookmarks that came home yesterday! The donations just keep rolling in! We are HALF-WAY to our goal!! Let’s keep the momentum going!
We wanted to share an anecdote from a parent whose child just participated in the Talent Show, organized and funded by the PTSA:
“I was a little surprised that my daughter decided to participate in the talent show with a dance because she hasn’t even seen a talent show before. She practiced with her friends and got so excited to perform. As the day got closer, she started to get nervous and I didn’t know if she’d do it or not. But super friendly volunteer moms were right there to encourage her and when the show started and I watched her perform I actually cried. It was so magical to see my daughter being brave and express herself. It will be one of my most cherished memories of elementary school. Thank you for giving her (and my family) this experience!” – Second-grade mom
This is just one event the PTSA puts efforts (and funds) into and we are thrilled to be able to do so! We are all about creating meaningful experiences for our Tiger families and community.
So thank you for your donations – keep them coming! Let’s get to that $13k by Friday!

Help CEPTSA celebrate the incredible depth of talent at Carnation Elementary! Our 2023 Talent Showcase is Friday March 31st! Doors open at 6pm, come sample student made baked goods while you peruse their art and video submissions. Sit back and enjoy our wonderful performances starting at 7pm – come early, stay late and prepare to be wowed!

Upcoming Events:
Mailing Address: 4950 Tolt Ave. - Carnation, WA 98014

Carnation Elementary
The mission of Carnation Elementary PTSA is to positively impact the lives of all students by partnering with staff, families, and community to foster a culture that values learning, builds community and advocates for all students to excel personally, academically and socially.

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