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October 2022 Newsletter!

October 10, 2022

We are in full swing of things at Carnation Elementary! Please check out our newsletter! Special points to pay attention to are Reflections Deadlines and our upcoming events!

¡Estamos en pleno apogeo en Carnation Elementary! Por favor, consulte nuestro boletín de noticias! ¡Los puntos especiales a los que debe prestar atención son los plazos de reflexión y nuestros próximos eventos!

Get ready for Tiger Fridays with Spirit Wear!

September 19, 2022
It’s that time again! Spirit wear is here! Order for the entire family, and for sure for your Tiger – every Friday this year is Spirit Day!
Spirit wear sales are available TODAY until 9/30 and there are two ways to order (please do not do both!):
1. Order form in backpack mail: Please keep an eye out for the order form that will be sent home with your child this week. This can be filled out and handed in with cash or check payable to CE PTSA back to your student’s teacher.
2. Online: Head to the website and order away!
Go Tigers!


In addition to ordering being available, we are also providing families an opportunity to give:


September 2022 Newsletter!

September 8, 2022

Welcome to the Jungle: Back to School Edition!

There is a lot of good things happening this year! Be on the lookout in your student’s friday folders for a membership form and the newsletter!

¡Bienvenido a la Jungla: Edición Regreso a la Escuela!

¡Hay muchas cosas buenas sucediendo este año! ¡Esté atento a las carpetas de los viernes de su estudiante para obtener un formulario de membresía y el boletín informativo!

Ice Cream Social!!

September 8, 2022

Stop by the playground and enjoy a treat! The PTSA is hosting the ice cream social on the same night as Curriculum night so we can all celebrate together! The schedule for the evening is as follows:

Curriculum night from 6:00-7:30 pm

Ice Cream social from 6:30-7:30pm

Meet the teachers and enjoy learning what the school year will look like for the kids and then come meet some of your fellow parents!


¡Pase por el patio de recreo y disfrute de un regalo! ¡La PTSA está organizando el evento social de helados la misma noche que la noche de Curriculum para que todos podamos celebrar juntos! El horario de la velada es el siguiente:

Noche de currículo de 6:00-7:30 pm

Helado social de 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

¡Conozca a los maestros y disfrute aprendiendo cómo será el año escolar para los niños y luego venga a conocer a algunos de sus compañeros padres!

Our Grand total raised…

May 17, 2022

Tigers! We are ecstatic to announce our fundraising total for Tiger Walk. Drumroll please…we DOUBLED our goal! We collectively raised $20,000!

That’s AMAZING! And a testament to how much energy and love our community has for our school. We will do great things with the funds – all for our kids and teachers.

THANK YOU to everyone who donated and to our sponsors. We are grateful and so excited for all the good to come.

We did it!!!

May 4, 2022

Tigers! We are thrilled, proud, and grateful to announce that we have not only met our Tiger Walk goal, but surpassed it. We are over $11,000 and counting. Incredible!! 

We are so appreciative of our tiger community and we will be celebrating at the walk on Friday! Please keep spreading the word and donating. Every donation counts toward enriching our kids’ school experience and supporting our hardworking staff.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you to our generous sponsors of Tiger Walk. Carnation Market, Sandy’s Espresso, Miller’s Carnation, Carnation Café, Buttonsmith, Billing by Bailey, Twin Falls Consulting, and Frankie & Jo’s. These companies stepped up in generous support of our kids and school! We are so fortunate to live in such a supportive community.

We are so close to our goal!!!

April 30, 2022

We have next week to get us to our goal! There is so much that the PTSA does for our school!

Here are two short anecdotes from parents about what the PTSA has provided for their children:
“My daughter started kindergarten last year, and it was exciting and also scary sending my first child to school while still in the pandemic and unable to see her inside to the classroom. But when we pulled up for a drive-by Superhero welcome and the wonderful kindergarten teachers excitedly gave her a bag of school supplies and a Tiger t-shirt, she was beyond thrilled, and (both of our) nerves went away. The PTSA funded the supplies and shirts that made a big difference in feeling welcomed as a Tiger – thank you!” – Kindergarten mom
“PTSA has brought a number of great memories to both my children’s Carnation Elementary experience. I fondly remember a sponsored book donation drive in 2020. When I arrived to pick them up, it was so fun seeing kids of all ages (plus teachers, staff, and parents) enthralled as books were read. If you have not heard Mr. Heimfeld read a story, you are missing out! Then the delight in each child as they got to select a book to take home. PTSA brings special school moments beyond those in the classroom. It provides the thrill of yelling Bingo, eating ice cream with your friends, and a way to connect with other adults knowing we are all together in raising these amazing children! Further, the funds raised help to improve the school experience for all students – such as providing classroom supplies, field trips and funding grants for needed equipment.” – Fifth and second grade mom
The PTSA matters…we actively support all kids at Carnation Elementary. Funds go straight back to the school and our children! Please, continue to DONATE!

An easy and impactful way to double your gift is through corporate matching. Please contact your HR department to find out your company’s matching policy, and contact us with any questions. ALL funds go straight back to the school, providing teachers with classroom supplies, science enrichment, t-shirts for incoming kinders, art supplies for docents, and so much more. And funds raised beyond the PTSA’s working budget are earmarked for a playground refresh. Let’s make this dream a reality!

We are half way there!!!

April 28, 2022

Go Tigers! We are over halfway through our fundraising for Tiger Walk! THANK YOU to everyone who has donated thus far! We are up to $5,355 and counting!

An easy and impactful way to double your gift is through corporate matching. Please contact your HR department to find out your company’s matching policy, and contact us with any questions. ALL funds go straight back to the school, providing teachers with classroom supplies, science enrichment, t-shirts for incoming kinders, art supplies for docents, and so much more. And funds raised beyond the PTSA’s working budget are earmarked for a playground refresh. Let’s make this dream a reality!

This is a big week!

April 26, 2022

Tiger Walk fundraising has begun! It’s time to DONATE! <– click here to get started!
Students who turn in donations of any amount this week are entered into a raffle to win SQUISHES! Parent volunteers will be drawing names at lunch on Monday, May 1st!
Fundraising concludes with Tiger Walk next Friday, May 6th. We are pumped to put the FUN in fundraising – for our kiddos and school!
Let’s go Tigers!
<– Scan here to donate now!

Lets Get Excited for the TIGER WALK!

April 7, 2022

Click the image to view the Events Calendar


Mailing Address:

4950 Tolt Ave. - Carnation, WA 98014


Carnation Elementary 

Phone: 425-844-4550

The mission of Carnation Elementary PTSA is to positively impact the lives of all students by partnering with staff, families, and community to foster a culture that values learning, builds community and advocates for all students to excel personally, academically and socially.

2023-2024 Platinum
100% Staff Membership