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Tigers! We are ecstatic to announce our fundraising total for Tiger Walk. Drumroll please…we collectively raised $30,889! We raised a total of $6,400 from our generous community sponsors and $24,489 from our amazing families!!!
What a testament to how much energy and love our community has for our school. We will do great things with the funds – all for our kids and teachers.
THANK YOU to everyone who donated. We are grateful and so excited for all the good to come.
We are looking forward to Prize Friday! The whole school has won an extra recess, winning classes will have pizza parties and we’ll be handing out squishmellows and book prizes to our lucky winners.
Final call for Reflections entries!
It’s time to find out what makes our Carnation Tigers hopeful! Submissions are due this Wednesday. Make sure your tiger hands in a completed and signed entry form to the front office (don’t forget about the artist statement and double check size and format requirements!) and please email any digital files to
Need a new entry form? Extra copies are in the front office or you can download from our website at
Last minute questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Elizabeth and Rachel at!
Today was the day!! Tiger Walk was a HUGE success!! Our Tigers were enthusiastic walkers and had tons of fun showing their Tiger spirit!! We are so appreciative of everyone who participated – donors, volunteers, the family cheer section, and of course our Tiger kiddos and teachers!
We made our all school goal of $15,000 and then some. We want to thank our generous community for helping us to reach this goal! Get your donations in by 6:00 pm today to count toward prizes,but we’ll still be collecting them through the weekend. Please get your donations in if you haven’t already!
We will announce our grand total on Monday and post more pictures of the event! Stay tuned…
On Monday at our monthly meeting REF approved four new amazing grants! Students across all ages and four schools will be impacted by these gifts to the district!
Stay tuned for more details on each grant this month!
Calling all Carnation Tigers! Are you ready for Tiger Walk?!?!
This year we’ll have a track on the playground decorated in a fall theme with pumpkins, hay bales, corn stalks and scarecrows provided by Two Brothers Pumpkins & Jubilee Farm. Thank you for making Tiger Walk extra special this year!
Students will receive a bracelet for every lap they complete. Wear your Tiger spirit wear and your new Tiger beanies to show your Tiger Pride!
We’re up to $10,504 of our $15,000 goal. Every little bit helps support our students! Please donate at:
More of our Bronze Tiger Walk sponsors to acknowledge! We are so appreciative of the support from these businesses!
Bronze Sponsors
Competition Hydro
Redmond Ridge Orthodontics
The Blue Iris
Harvold Berry Farm
Jubilee Farm
Heart N Soul Farm
THANK YOU for supporting our amazing Carnation Tigers!
For sponsorship opportunities and for your company to be acknowledged publicly on a banner at the school, please contact Stacey at
The deadline is approaching…entries are due Wednesday, October 18th! Get all the details here:
The PTSA wants to show staff how much we APPRECIATE their hard work! Volunteers extraordinaire put together these tasty and adorable treats for the best staff! Thank you for everything you do for our kids and school – we are grateful and hope you enjoy!
This is THE week! TIGER WALK! The Carnation Tiger made a special visit during lunch last week. The students were so excited to say “Hi” and learn more about Tiger Walk!
We’re starting our second week off with a bang! We’re at $7011 and counting! WOW. Check back every day for updated fundraising totals! We can reach our goal of $15,000!
Every contribution makes such a positive difference for our kids and school. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated thus far! Please continue to spread the word and donate if you haven’t yet!
We want to continue to acknowledge our awesome Tiger Walk supporters!
Here are a few of our Bronze sponsors who help make our school a better place with their donations toward Tiger Walk:
Sunrise Dental
Morgan Henley Presents
Wandering Path Therapy
B.E.S.T. Roofing LLC
Barzen’s Blooms
Thank you for supporting our amazing Carnation Tigers!
For sponsorship opportunities and for your company to be acknowledged publicly on a banner at the school, please contact Stacey at
Upcoming Events:
All day
6:45 pm - 7:45 pm
All day
All day
Mailing Address: 4950 Tolt Ave. - Carnation, WA 98014

Carnation Elementary
Phone: 425-844-4550
The mission of Carnation Elementary PTSA is to positively impact the lives of all students by partnering with staff, families, and community to foster a culture that values learning, builds community and advocates for all students to excel personally, academically and socially.

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