Latest News...
Kindergarten Kickoff is Thursday 5/8 at 4:00 on the CE playground!
Come get a Summer Fun Bag, turn in your paperwork, and meet staff and other Kindy families!
Donuts with Grown-ups is coming up! Mark your calendar for Monday 5/13 and we’ll see you there!

Check out pictures from the visit from District 12 Representatives, Keith Goehner and Mike Steele!
Thank you to CEPTSA and everyone involved for organizing this visit!
Click here:
Incoming Kindy Families…
the Kindergarten Kick Off is Thursday, May 9th at 4pm.
More info to come!
The Special Education Committee wants to hear from the Riverview community. Mark your calendar for this important event!
Staff Appreciation Week is quickly approaching! This year it will be May 6-10. We love this week each year as it gives us an opportunity to show our gratitude in specific ways to the teachers and staff who spend their days with our kids!
PTSA has created a sign up genius so that we can provide a variety of tasty snacks and treats for staff during SAW. If you would like to participate please check out the opportunities to chip in! We also have opportunities to volunteer your time, please email if you have interest in helping, and watch your email inbox for more specific volunteer opportunities!
We would like to thank everyone who participated in the Spring Gala. We could not have done this without our wonderful PTSA membership community!
From art docents creating beautiful works of art with our students, to those that donated or bid on auction items, it was a huge team effort to raise much needed funds for our school. Thank you!
The district-wide CEREAL DRIVE to benefit a local food bank is underway!!
An epic Domino Video will be filmed in May. CE will participate by setting up all boxes collected in Domino-Style throughout the school!
A collection box is available in the front hallway at school through the end of April.
Upcoming Events:
Mailing Address: 4950 Tolt Ave. - Carnation, WA 98014

Carnation Elementary
The mission of Carnation Elementary PTSA is to positively impact the lives of all students by partnering with staff, families, and community to foster a culture that values learning, builds community and advocates for all students to excel personally, academically and socially.

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