Student Council Day: Ditch Your Backpack
Student Council Spirit Day! 'Ditch your backpack for the Day'. Be creative with what you carry your supplies to school in today. Remember that whatever you choose, it needs to be SCHOOL APPROPRIATE and SAFE. Some suggestions: handle bag, small suitcase, small shopping cart, plastic bag, etc.
Dine-Out/Movie Night
DINE OUT at Red Pepper on October 25th to support our school. Mention Carnation Elementary, and they will donate 15% of their profits back to the school. After you grab your pizza, head to school to join us for a Family Movie Night in the MPR!
Bingo Night
BINGO NIGHT is one week away! If you would like to join us for pizza beforehand, please place your order by November 8th online or via the form at the bottom of the flyer. This is a fun, family-friendly event, we hope to see you there! Order pizza online here: Order form (PDF):
Multi Purpose Room 4950 Tolt Ave., Carnation, WAPlease join us November 13th for an exciting BINGO NIGHT!! We will have amazing raffle baskets, including a drone, rock climbing experience and more! Don’t forget to pre-order your pizza by Nov 8th, if you don't want a full pizza, we will also have other concessions on hand.